Friday, April 1, 2022

Double Feature Time: The Muppet Movie/Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Two of the most beloved TV shows ever are Star Trek and The Muppet Show. Not only did both of them spawn franchises that have lasted decades, but both also had memorable big screen and small screen installments. In an interesting coincidence, both made their big screen debuts in 1979. A Trek revival had already been in the planning stages basically since the original series aired its final episode a decade earlier. In contrast, the Muppets first appeared in cinemas in the midst of their TV show's successful run. Indeed, the only reason the show ended in 1981 was to allow Jim Henson to pursue other projects, Muppets or otherwise. While many fans disliked the slow pace of The Motion Picture, both films were successful enough to spawn more movies from each. Of the two, though, Trek would end up with the more spotty track record. Of the (so far) 13 Trek movies that have come out, only the first four and the sixth are the ones that I've gone to the trouble of getting on DVD. On the other hand, even the worst of the Muppet films, the most recent Muppets Most Wanted (2014), is still fun to watch. One more interesting tidbit which made me think of these two films as a nice double feature. The legendary Orson Welles has an appearance at the end of The Muppet Movie, and he narrates the trailer for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

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