Monday, October 21, 2024

Double Feature time: Return of the Jedi/Halloween III: Season of the Witch

It seemed only fair to have a double feature entry featuring the last entry of the original Star Wars trilogy since I did entries with the previous two films.
I was estatic when I learned Jedi was entered into the National Film Registry a couple of years ago, as the original Star Wars & The Empire Strikes Back were already in that illustrious lineup. Like it's two predecessors, Jedi's release came within a year of that of an entry in the Halloween series. But whereas Jedi would go onto join its 2 predecessors as one of the biggest moneymaking films ever, Halloween III was a flop when it was released mainly due to the absence of its serial killer, Micheal Myers. When all the subsequent entries in the series had Michael, this film deserves credit for trying something different, unlike many of the slasher film series that were dominant in the 80s. Happily, the film has gotten a bit more appreciation over the years, although I doubt that this stop the next Halloween film (whenever that's released) from having Michael in it.

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